Marketing Lessons from Mom.

Marketing Lessons from Mom.

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Since Sunday was Mother’s Day, we’d like to take a moment to thank the mothers of our staff for shaping their lives and encouraging them in ways both large and small.

Some of our staff members contributed lessons that their mothers taught them that apply every day in their jobs as public relations, marketing, advertising and social media professionals.

1. To have a friend, you need to be a friend. Working together is vital for businesses to succeed. Some people may get ahead by using dirty business tactics, but in the long term, they will see their accomplishments dry up. Good relationships are built on trust, commitment and the Golden Rule. Without them, you may not have customers in the future.

2. Listen more than you speak. This rule especially applies to knowing your customer. What are the needs they are trying to meet with your product or service? Are there any changes that could be made to meet those needs more efficiently? Feedback is one of the most crucial components of the business-customer relationship. If you are willing to listen, customers are telling you ways to help make their lives better. And if you are willing to honor that advice, it will help boost your profits.

3. Patience is a virtue. Creating a strong brand does not happen overnight. Through careful planning, strategy implementation, and a willingness to adapt to change, brands flourish. A solid foundation is built through reliability. Today’s impatient clients request results immediately, but consistent delivery increases the likelihood they will continue to rely on your brand. Lay the groundwork and watch your business grow!

4. Time and money do not grow on trees. Many business owners realize the value of money, but forget the importance of time. Strategic marketing plans help to conserve both resources by pinpointing the efforts that will show the most return for the least possible investment. However, remember that not all returns will be seen financially at first. Depending on the goals you wish to accomplish, sometimes you should seek ROR (return on relationships) instead of ROI. Investing in ROR now will help you gain ROI in the long term.

These time-honored tips lead to big business results. Hug your mom and thank her for the business savvy that she may not have known she possessed.

Baker Creative is a brand firm that practices a holistic branding approach that encompasses marketing, business, HR, public relations, and social media with creative execution. You can follow us on Twitter @BakerCreative or read the team’s blog.