Top 5 Ways Twitter Can Really Help Your Business.

Top 5 Ways Twitter Can Really Help Your Business.

Baker Creative > Blog > Business > Top 5 Ways Twitter Can Really Help Your Business.

1. A way to enhance your customer service.
You can set up Twitter as a way to receive questions about your company’s products or services. The TweetDeck app has a built-in permanent third-party search method. Your customers can let you know what type of help they may need.

2. Coupon campaigns to promote your business.
Dell has used its Twitter account to tweet links to coupons on Dell Outlet’s Facebook page. Users can use these during checkout at Some restaurants have tweeted coupon passwords on their Twitter feed that need to be spoken at checkout to be redeemed.

3. Viral marketing.
London-based company, Moonfruit gave away 10 free Macbooks. Contestants had to use #moonfruit in their tweets. A month later the traffic to their website was up 300% and sales up 20%. It easily paid off the campaign’s investment.

4. Customer expectation management.
Keeping customers in the loop to provide more informed customer service is invaluable to managing customer expectations. For example,
 Jet Blue tweets flight delays to its customers.

5. Employee recruitment
Often times potential employees view a company’s Twitter page to see the corporate culture. They want to get a sense of what it’s really like first hand. 
It also is a cost-effective way to post job openings for staff you may need.