Winter is my least favorite season. Here are some ideas to cope with this cold, dreary time of year.
• Get some sun: Walking to your favorite coffee shop or just taking a few minutes outside will get you out of your dark office and into some fresh air. Take little Rover for a short walk. Animals need a quick break too. I know my dog has been doing laps around my house like a maniac.
• Exercise a few times a week. You need those endorphins more than ever during the winter.
• Think about going somewhere sunny for Spring Break or plan ahead for a vacation. Just having some fun in the sun to look forward to can help relieve the winter gloom.
• Daylight Savings arrives in early March when you’ll get that extra hour of sunlight.
• Catch up on some movies you missed this season–renting some movies for a quick get together with friends can be a fun reason to hang out.
Share some of your own tips.