Empower Yourself to Reach Your Goals.

Empower Yourself to Reach Your Goals.

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Find out where you really belong. We all have inherent skill sets that are well suited for a variety of life’s callings. In our passion and talents, we find a sense of tranquility. Whether it’s painting, riding a motorcycle, gardening, etc. find the thing that you really feel a need to do even if you didn’t get paid to do it. It’s important to tap into it and use it to your advantage. Life’s calling is really about doing what you love and the rest will follow.

Be open to trying new things. Sometimes you just have to do some things you’re afraid of. I understand that it’s not easy. Feelings and fear of failure can get in the way of trying new things. Recognize what you are feeling and hold onto that feeling for a moment to understand you will get through it. You are probably not the first one to encounter it and you are not alone. This will keep you from feeling self-defeated about facing something scary. Take it one day at a time and one step at a time. Before you know it you will have walked through it. Be patient, it takes time. Don’t push yourself too hard. Trust that your higher power is with you and will not leave you.

Attitude is huge in accomplishing goals and facing life’s challenges. True grit and determination can get you far. Focus on the fact that failure isn’t a place you’re willing to direct attention. Focus on the positive and your goals. Don’t let fear or feeling sorry for yourself hold you back. We all can excuse away why we didn’t do this or that. Evaluate the positives and the negatives to make a plan of action. Move forward on your plan with a strong determination that you are going to finish. Don’t forget to reward your self for small milestones along the way to celebrate how far you have come.