Face your Fear: The New Habit Tool Kit.

Face your Fear: The New Habit Tool Kit.

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You are ready to face your fear, but let’s face it, changing a habit is difficult; especially if the rut is worn so smoothly that you do it involuntarily.

Change doesn’t happen on its own. Before you expect to transform the habit for real, you need to have a safety net in place to help you to stay motivated when will power fades.

Develop a strong, accountable change team. Depending on the severity of the lifestyle change you are trying to accomplish, you may only need one person or you may need more.

Grab your most supportive friends and family members. Find a coach and/or a therapist you are comfortable with. Coaches and therapists help you stay accountable and give you tips on how to accomplish the behavior and make it stick. Before you commit to working with professionals, ask for recommendations. Ensure these individuals are accountable and dependable.

Support Groups are great to find support in others who are going through similar situations. Strength in numbers goes a long way toward lifting each other up during difficult times.

Use media, both social and traditional, to turn you into a transformation machine.

Think of what you watch, listen to, and read. Do they make you feel good about yourself or do you constantly feel as if you will never measure up?

The content of the media you consume is like food for your brain. Good nutrition nourishes your body. Encouraging and uplifting messages will help keep you motivated. There are countless books, videos, podcasts, blogs, music, etc. filled with great ideas dedicated to helping others accomplish their goals. Check them out.

Turn your smartphone into a personal accountability tracker. Use a habit changer app like Momentum Habit Tracker for the iPhone or Stickk for both iOS and Android. These apps help keep you motivated and on track to meeting your goals.

Use social media to find or build a network of online or real friends to help you stay accountable, motivated, and encouraged when real-life assistance isn’t available.

Consider posting your accomplishments on Twitter or logging them in a blog. The physical record shows the progress you have made when you are feeling down. Penelope Trunk of BrazenCareerist.com says she blogs even the most controversial events in her life because it keeps her honest with herself. If you are broadcasting your life events to the world, you may think before you act.

Most importantly, always remember to reach out to others when you feel like letting go. Chances are you will find someone who is going through exactly what you are. Good luck!

*App recommendations updated in July of 2020.