Humans are born needing to feel safe and comfortable, but the safety we desire as infants may be the factor holding us back in during the rest of our lives.
Staying in your comfort zone for too long puts you at risk of never accomplishing your dreams.
Have you made an attempt to change or face your fear? When was the last time you took a risk that made you a little uneasy? The thought probably makes you a bit nervous.
Tackling the queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach results in personal growth. Seek out that nauseous feeling and participate in activities that push your limits. You will learn to be afraid of less as you encounter life’s obstacles.
There are many great resources that help you conquer your fears. Talk to a supportive friend or family member. Read a self-help book. Go at it alone if you are really brave. Deep-seated anxieties may require speaking to a therapist to work through them.
If you fail, so what? Resilience takes practice. To become an expert at something you need to acquire 10,000 hours of practice, so get started!