The Value of Good PR….Again.

The Value of Good PR….Again.

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This is not a new subject. There are countless resources touting the benefits of good PR, but still, some people seem to miss the message. I just want to know what goes through the minds of those who work with celebrities or the celebrities themselves.

A high school friend of mine posted a status on her Facebook page referring to Lindsay Lohan’s lawsuit suing E-Trade for $100 million for allegedly using her likeness in a Super Bowl commercial. My friend mockingly incited a fake conversation that may have taken place between Lohan and her lawyers about the need to generate some publicity and cash since she has not been in any major films for some time.

While reading my friend’s post, I pleaded silently to myself that no public relations professionals in Lohan’s camp advised her on the benefits of doing this.

There IS such thing as bad publicity, and it takes lots of time, effort and money to recover a damaged reputation.

Lohan is no stranger to bad PR and this time seems no different. A quick look at Twitter conveys that sentiments in the court of public opinion are not in her favor either.

Lohan has since dropped the suit after reaching a settlement with E-Trade.

Perhaps Lohan should use this moment as a reality check to see what her career has become and take steps to turn it around.

*Updated in July 2020.