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PR trends to watch

The modern world of public relations (PR) involves more facets of contributing to the success of organizations. Emphasis within businesses upon inclusive factors has resulted in PR practitioners being increasingly valuable as customers hold brands they affiliate with more accountable. Here are PR trends we see evolving:

Positive trends possibilities for PR

Especially since more people stayed home and worked from home in 2020, Pew Research Center noted the number of Americans viewing news online and on social media is growing.

Communication During the Time of COVID-19

Even as businesses are slowly reopening or bringing their employees back to the office as our nation gradually revives, many businesses are still wondering how to clearly communicate during this time. When we first started dealing with the effects of COVID-19, many thought this would be a quick and fairly easy effort. Businesses would be […]

Ethical Growth of PR.

Public Relations experts are optimistic that the industry will see considerable growth. Social media’s explosive evolution and the multitude of communications calamities over the years have highlighted public relations

A Story Tailor-made Just for Reporters.

The practice of avoiding media exclusives has been a general rule in public relations for eons. Most PR pros believe that exclusives, the act of promising one reporter sole access to a story, limits the coverage range of your pitch.

Is PR Dead?

A study by the Oriella PR Network found that approximately 75 percent of “targeted” press releases were still useful according to an article from PRNewser. As a reminder, follow these crucial tips to ensure your press releases don’t go unnoticed:

Tips for Reputation Management.

If you are a celeb, a superstar, or the average Joe, your reputation means everything in growing and maintaining your business. Personal problems can taint your value and become more of a distraction.

