Not “Everything” on the Internet is Free…


A fresh perspective

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Human Relations
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Not “Everything” on the Internet is Free…

Not “Everything” on the Internet is Free…
Why should you care if I use video or pictures off of the internet? Why should I care about using my neighbor's Wi-Fi for free? Because it's all a little thing called illegal. Using images and pictures off of the internet is copyright infringement. (more…)...

What Do You Do When You Have a Good Job and Lousy Coworkers?

What Do You Do When You Have a Good Job and Lousy Coworkers?
Are social activities too much of a distraction in the workplace? I have worked many jobs where my fellow coworkers were laughing and playing around while the boss was away. I have sat through many meetings where all the staff did was (more…)...

When Will the Banks Get It?

When Will the Banks Get It?
Between banks using scare tactics to sell overdraft protection to credit card companies finding ways to add additional fees, it's no wonder the market has little trust in our financial institutions. (more…)...

Credit Card Companies Can Still Find Ways to Charge More…

Credit Card Companies Can Still Find Ways to Charge More…
One way or another, credit card companies will use whatever means necessary to make up for new restrictions on their fees structure. If they can't get paid one way, they will easily find another way (more…)...

Empower Yourself to Reach Your Goals.

Empower Yourself to Reach Your Goals.
Find out where you really belong. We all have inherent skill sets that are well suited for a variety of life's callings. In our passion and talents, we find a sense of tranquility. Whether it's painting, riding a motorcycle, gardening, etc. (more…)...

Is Your Attitude Holding You Back?

Is Your Attitude Holding You Back?
Does someone with an accent make you think they are less intelligent? If someone is from another country does this make them a second class citizen in the eyes of some Americans? The way some homegrown Americans treat others (more…)...

Give Your Resume a Facelift.

Give Your Resume a Facelift.
Looking to give your resume a facelift? The more mature workforce out there have either too much detailed information on their resumes or lack some of the new important tools. Here are a few tips that should help boost your profile and be on your resume: (more…)...

Find Direction in Your Life.

Find Direction in Your Life.
Are you experiencing a feeling of indecision, loss of self-confidence, panic, self-defeating behaviors, a frightening sense of emptiness? Don't let your negative side overshadow the quest to find your true self. So let's eliminate the negative and let the positive part of your life start to guide yo...

A Weak Economy Impacts How You Market Your Business.

A Weak Economy Impacts How You Market Your Business.
"It has obviously been a year of a lot of uncertainty," Laura Beech, director of online acquisitions and partnerships for American Express, said. "Am I going to have my job? Am I going to have my house? What's next? So what's important is staying authentic, staying consistent." (more…)...

Are Excuses Getting in the Way of Growing Your Business?

Are Excuses Getting in the Way of Growing Your Business?
Social media has pushed many out of their comfort zones and into a whole new world. Technology moves by the speed of light sometimes and that comes with some resistance. Some thought rock and roll was a fad too, but that's not going anywhere either. (more…)...