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Boost Your Productivity with Food.

It’s always good for hard-working professionals with a 40± hour workweek to learn healthy ways to keep energy up. Coffee is usually the number one choice for boosting energy, but since healthy is the new thing, coffee may not be the best choice.

Which Social Media Platform is Right for You?

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest. We all know them but may not love them all. Some companies like Kellogg’s, P&G and Honda utilize most of these, but what made them choose which ones?

Investing in Your Business for a Big Payoff.

Whether you are starting a new business or wanting to expand your current business, there are a few things that you need to invest in to make it successful.

Is Implementing Your Solid Strategy A Priority?

There are many facets of building or growing a company. The two most important components in planning should be a solid strategy and a creative element. Imagine cooking Thanksgiving dinner for a family of ten and not having recipes ready.

Boomer Roadblocks

  This week is National Retirement Planning Week and Baker Creative wanted to look at the progress baby boomers are making in retirement. It turns out retirement may be further in the future than we thought.

Bringing a Positive Message to Youth Through Social Media.

  For many years, the Internet and social media have been given a bad reputation. It is known for spreading vulgar pictures, false rumors and identity stealing capabilities. Social media has been a big hit in the news;

Overcoming the February Winter Blahs.

The hype of turkey and stuffing for Thanksgiving and the white winter promise of Christmas has come and gone. February has arrived along with its long days of cold and on and off again snowfalls.

Should Social Media Dictate Justice?

  We have known social media to be a main source of news for quite some time. The collective Anonymous describes themselves as “an idea not a group, we are your neighbor, your doctor, We are freedom, Justice, WE DO NOT FORGIVE, WE DO NOT FORGET, EXPECT US.

Holiday Magic All Around the World.

In America, the traditions around the Holidays for most families are putting up a big tree full of lights, dressing up in red and going to visit Santa at the mall. But what about the other countries around the world?

