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Perfecting the Partnership: Working with Nonprofits.

Numerous businesses love to contribute to causes for the betterment of their communities. When a successful partnership ensues, funds are raised, goals are met and warm, fuzzy feelings are felt all around.

Three Steps to Assessing Your Personal Brand Online.

Recently, I came across a revolutionary article for its time entitled, “The Brand Called You” from Fast Company, published in August 1997. Tom Peters, the author, discussed how large companies knew the importance of branding.

Is Being “Invincible” Holding You Back?

Do we ever really learn from others’ mistakes or do we really have to live through the same experience? We all have thought we were invincible at some point in our lives and a small part of us may still think we are.

Contracts-Look (Thoroughly) Before You Sign.

Check the fine print—one of the cardinal rules of business…and life. When working with freelancers and vendors, companies and individuals need to make sure they know what they are getting into. Present ventures that seem like nothing at the time may turn out to be HUGE in the future.

Are Women Finally in Charge?

On “The Today Show” today, there was a piece about women finally ruling the world. There are more women going to college and currently in power positions. If we are ruling the world, why does the boys club still exist?

Is “Good Enough” Really Good Enough for Your Business?

Many professionals at some point in their careers have approached a deadline scrambling to complete a project. Many questioning if they have given their best effort. Or, half-heartedly finish a task they are not too thrilled about, just to get it out the door.

Would You Say Anything to Get a Job?

Are you setting yourself up for unhappiness? Many candidates today apply for jobs they are not well suited for, apply for positions their skills don’t fulfill the basic criteria of, or even apply for a part-time job when they really wanted a full-time one.

Facebook – It’s All About the Networking.

Facebook’s slogan says it all – the social networking site is there solely to help you “connect with friends and the world around you.” But is this actually the case? According to a study conducted by ReD Associates, the majority of social media users

Is Your Product Selling Itself?

It’s the number one question of all businesses: “How useful is my product to my customers?” But ironically, most marketers are so concerned about other questions that they forget to address this major issue.

