Top 5 Ways Twitter Can Really Help Your Business.


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Top 5 Ways Twitter Can Really Help Your Business.

Top 5 Ways Twitter Can Really Help Your Business.
1. A way to enhance your customer service. You can set up Twitter as a way to receive questions about your company's products or services. The TweetDeck app has a built-in permanent third-party search method. Your customers can let you know what type of help they may need. (more…)...

Care About Your Reputation?

Care About Your Reputation?
Lately, I have seen several instances of local politicians or movie stars sending out PR blasts, and even a local press conference, to let people know they are either getting a divorce or in some cases 'working through' issues. (more…)...

Are You a Clueless Salesman? Free Sales Tips.

Are You a Clueless Salesman? Free Sales Tips.
Hey sales people, listen up. I want to give a perspective from the other side. If you every wonder why you might not land that job you submitted an estimate for these days there may be a few reasons why. 1. You don't fully listen to your customer. I had a several sales people come out and give me pricing on a fire alarm system for my home. I explained what I wanted and the rep seemed to understand the key items I wanted to purchase. Then he returned with a commercial rep. He was asking about all kinds of things that just didn't apply. I was so frustrated by the time he left. I was repeating myself, over an over like a bad rerun of the Ground Hogs Day movie.

Bloggers Need to Be Aware of New FTC Rules.

Bloggers Need to Be Aware of New FTC Rules.
If you visit popular blog sites that review products, there are some new rules bloggers must adhere to by the man, the FTC. Popular bloggers are now subject to federal guidelines that state bloggers must disclose freebies in product reviews. (more…)...

Social Media Strategies: Do More With Less Time.

Social Media Strategies: Do More With Less Time.
Time, energy, and funding resources are scarce.  Before you know it, an hour and a half have been lost on social media. Tools can be frustrating if you don't utilize your precious time well. After all, time is money that we can never get back. (more…)...

5 Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Invitations.

5 Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Invitations.
1. Personalized invitation messages can remind people how you know them or where you met. Add a ‘personal note’ and send them a note or link about something of interest that is linked to you. For example, if I belong to green business groups, (more…)...

How MC Hammer Used Social Media to Reinvent Himself.

How MC Hammer Used Social Media to Reinvent Himself.
MC Hammer has used Twitter integration to reach out to his fans. He discusses business, life and music. He is an avid self-proclaimed Twitter addict. The passion and the frequency of his tweets are authentic to his own brand, and voice. (more…)...

Ever Wonder Why You Didn’t Get That Job? Job Landing Tips.

Ever Wonder Why You Didn’t Get That Job? Job Landing Tips.
I really want to help people out there to get hired. I think it might be beneficial as the CEO of my company, who makes the final hiring decisions, to share my experiences while I search for candidates for my open positions. (more…)...

Addicted to Reality TV?

Addicted to Reality TV?
In some ways reality TV has replaced the typical soap operas. VH1 and MTV shows are almost totally scripted, and every reality show has to have some sort of production set up. But for the majority of reality shows the characters are encouraged to be themselves. The more realistic the show, the more legs it seems to have. These shows are extremely...

Insight Into the Power of Women Spending in the Global Marketplace.

Insight Into the Power of Women Spending in the Global Marketplace.
We are continuously doing research on "why she buys" to give us insight into the impact that female consumers have on the marketplace. Much of what we learn in school is based on the age-old rules that were established when men ran the show. Not so much anymore. (more…)...