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The Importance of Maintaining Your Brand.

  Everyone knows that keeping the look of your brand is important. It is important for the public, employees and potential workers to know what the company’s values are so these potential customers are more apt to embrace what the company has to offer.

Take Her Job for a Day: Senior Geologist.

  There is no doubt that women are starting to excel in the workforce and they are excelling everywhere. Baker Creative interviewed a woman who is involved in the process of drilling wells for natural gas.

Take His Job for a Day: Chef.

Welcome to part two of our “Take Her/His Job for a Day” series. This week, Baker Creative interviewed a chef at an upscale restaurant in Columbus. This chef did not attend any schooling for cooking, but was trained and worked hard to get where he is today.

A # That Shaped an Online Revolution.

  Tweeting without a hashtag is like reading without a book. But what is the purpose of the hashtag? Who started this trend of topics beginning with a #?

Take Her Job for a Day: Server’s Life.

  Baker Creative has decided to do a blog segment on “Take Her/His Job for a Day”. We will pick different positions to interview and ask questions to identify how an employee feels about their job.

The College Edition on How to be Professional on Social Media.

In high school, putting illegal or inappropriate things on your Facebook could get you in trouble with your parents or even the school. As you graduate and move out of your parents’ house, there will be a lot more freedom and very few rules being held over your head.

We Love Columbus!

  Columbus has always been a great city and with a population of around 920,000 people, it is growing every day! We have so many things to do here for a variety of people. Whether you are a family looking for a Saturday activity

Keeping the Planet a Little Healthier with Some TLC.

Many people out there are becoming “green”. What does that mean exactly? Baker Creative has become a certified Wildlife Habitat and we love seeing the different creatures that come across the property.

Top Nine Free Apps for College Students at Your Fingertips.

It is back to school time! Kids are packing up and returning to their everyday lifestyle of professors and game days. For the new college students, it means adapting to a new environment and trying to figure out what they need to do to make their future successful.

