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What’s So Wrong with Being Single?

The singles crowd. More than 117 million American adults. College students, workaholics, single mothers, widows. You name the title, and they’re lumped into that large group that many agencies and companies are finding

How Far Will Product Placement Go?

Growing up I was always particularly cognizant of brands. My father worked for a major beverage company. As a kid, if we were allowed to drink soda, we were not allowed to drink Brand X, since Dad’s company

Does Tweeting in Court Jeopardize a Fair Trail?

Trial judges are now required to order jurors not to use phones or other electronic devices while in trial or in deliberations. Would it be right to tweet about the latest happenings if you were on the jury, the judge, or even worse the defending attorney?

Has Social Media Gone Too Far?

Has the law blurred between our private and public worlds? Has too much access gone too far? Have we all gone beyond too much information for public view? I often wonder if reality TV brought down barriers. Did it make it OK to show what we do in private?

Are Machines Being Used to Change Your Behavior?

Humans have been trying to influence behavior for hundreds of years. Do all the available technologies like gaming, mobile apps, the internet, kiosks, smart environments, etc. really change a person’s perception drastically?

Social Media Strategies: Do More With Less Time.

Time, energy, and funding resources are scarce.  Before you know it, an hour and a half have been lost on social media. Tools can be frustrating if you don’t utilize your precious time well. After all, time is money that we can never get back.

5 Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Invitations.

1. Personalized invitation messages can remind people how you know them or where you met. Add a ‘personal note’ and send them a note or link about something of interest that is linked to you. For example, if I belong to green business groups,

How MC Hammer Used Social Media to Reinvent Himself.

MC Hammer has used Twitter integration to reach out to his fans. He discusses business, life and music. He is an avid self-proclaimed Twitter addict. The passion and the frequency of his tweets are authentic to his own brand, and voice.

