New Technology Makes the Super Bowl Even Better.


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New Technology Makes the Super Bowl Even Better.

New Technology Makes the Super Bowl Even Better.
With leaps in recent technology, the Super Bowl is integrating tech into its fan experience. High-tech security scanners will be used to scan both people and packages entering the stadium and law enforcement will have bomb-removal robots at the ready (more…)...

How to Avoid Layoffs in This Economy?

How to Avoid Layoffs in This Economy?
SAS Institute, a business analytics software company, has been able to avoid layouts in this economy with very little turnover. SAS has avoided layoffs by instituting hiring freezes. They still maintain growth today. They cut back on travel and expenses, (more…)...

Pocket First Aid App Saves a Life in Haiti.

Pocket First Aid App Saves a Life in Haiti.
An iPhone app saved a life while the victim sat under feet of rubble from the earthquake in Haiti. A Pocket First Aid & CPR app helped to save filmmaker, Dan Wooley's life when he was trapped for 65 hours in the lobby of a hotel in Port-au-Prince (more…)...

Is Transparency Real?

Is Transparency Real?
Sometimes things aren't always what they seem from the outside. For example, you never really know someone even if you date someone for a while. For that matter, even if you date them and live with them there is always something you didn't know about (more…)...

Looking Back…

Looking Back…
I look over all the brief headlines as I surf the net, like busting bone loss myths, monkey boy hides out in Mexico, etc. Will our lives be influenced by an endless amount of sound bites? Should we abbreviate and edit so much out of our lives (more…)...

Beat the Winter Doldrums.

Beat the Winter Doldrums.
Winter is my least favorite season. Here are some ideas to cope with this cold, dreary time of year. • Get some sun: Walking to your favorite coffee shop or just taking a few minutes outside will get you out of your dark office (more…)...

Top 3 Ways to Stay Motivated in the New Year.

Top 3 Ways to Stay Motivated in the New Year.
As the snow slowly falls this season, now is the time for new goals and new beginnings. 1. Let music pave the way. Are there any songs out there that could describe where I want to be? Yeah, I know it's kind of corny, but (more…)...

Top 3 Tips to Save Money in the New Year.

Top 3 Tips to Save Money in the New Year.
We all know about the huge ups and downs of the economy in the past year. This is the time of year we are looking for ways to save on our taxes, etc. There are 3 big ways to use our money more effectively in today's market. (more…)...

Top 5 Tips to Hit Your New Year Goals!

Top 5 Tips to Hit Your New Year Goals!
As the year comes to a close, we are all looking forward to a fresh new year and for some new beginnings. Let's face it, most of us would love to shed a few pounds, be healthier, etc. We all have some form of our own "kryptonite". (more…)...

How Far Will You Go to be Famous?

How Far Will You Go to be Famous?
Some people will do anything to be famous. Every day I hear more reports about people trying to get famous by doing something outrageous, unethical, immoral, and sometimes flat out illegal to get their own reality TV show. (more…)...