Insight Into the Power of Women Spending in the Global Marketplace.


A fresh perspective

Baker Creative News
Human Relations
Public Relations

Insight Into the Power of Women Spending in the Global Marketplace.

Insight Into the Power of Women Spending in the Global Marketplace.
We are continuously doing research on "why she buys" to give us insight into the impact that female consumers have on the marketplace. Much of what we learn in school is based on the age-old rules that were established when men ran the show. Not so much anymore. (more…)...

Frustrated By Not Landing an Interview? Job Applicant Tips.

Frustrated By Not Landing an Interview? Job Applicant Tips.
Frustrated by sending out what seems like hundreds of resumes with little success? Let me give you a few tips that will help you stand out among the sea of applicants who apply for jobs every day at our company, Baker Creative. (more…)...

Is social hacking the next thing to look out for?

Is social hacking the next thing to look out for?
With all of the social media tools available to day like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, High5 etc..., how can we really feel secure in our postings? (more…)...

Turned down by jobs lately? Job tips for landing on your feet.

Turned down by jobs lately? Job tips for landing on your feet.
I am the CEO and have the final say when someone is hired at my company. I thought it might be beneficial to offer some useful tips on how to get hired in this economy. A perspective from the other side... of the desk I mean. We are currently trying to fill 3 new positions. It's quite surprising ...

How to build trust with social media

How to build trust with social media
Last week Nielsen released the 2009 Global Online Consumer Survey of over 25,000 Internet consumers from 50 countries.  The survey covers degrees of trust consumers have for advertisers/brands. Online people trust others opinions more than ads and the media. For example, the newspaper industry has ...

Old school social media application

Old school social media application
In a dark nightclub a secret was spreading around the room like wildfire. A message passed from person to person. The crowd anxiously awaiting the outcome of things to come. The singer on stage was rocking her heart out when she was suddenly interupted by a stranger asking her to marry her. Out o...

Take a moment to get inspired…

Take a moment to get inspired…
I noticed on the 6:00p.m. world news there was the coolest story. It was about people donating kidneys to others. They under went the surgery (more…)...

Top 10 tips to landing a great job

Top 10 tips to landing a great job
I am thankful when someone takes to the time to submit a resume for consideration. I often wonder when we get job applicants who submit resumes without any regard to the job posting or a missing cover letter. Were they just time poor and hoping something will stick? Lets get real. (more…)...

Top 7 tips to get noticed in social media

Top 7 tips to get noticed in social media
Social media has drastically changed the landscape of the internet, PR, editorial news, marketing etc... It's more important than ever to be involved in the global conversation. Write something of true relevance and value to build relationships with others. Here are just a few ideas: (more&he...

Give yourself a break today!

Give yourself a break today!
Sometimes I get overwhelmed with all of the messages overloading me by the end of the day. Bad news on the TV is so heavy. The news will always be there when I am ready for it. Enough already. (more…)...