Client Relationships: 7 Simple Rules.


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Human Relations
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Client Relationships: 7 Simple Rules.

Client Relationships: 7 Simple Rules.
We all know that client relationships are important. Being creative and resourceful is essential to maintaining and growing your client base. Wendi McNeill, owner of Charli Jane Speaker Services, (more…)...

Should Codes of Ethics Apply to Online Blogging?

Should Codes of Ethics Apply to Online Blogging?
An ongoing debate among journalists and bloggers alike continues to bring the issue of ethics into the picture. While the majority of journalists feel that ethical guidelines should apply to all writing, many others feel that the personal, (more…)...

Could Twitter be Bad for Your Brand?

Could Twitter be Bad for Your Brand?
Social networking has become a popular - and successful - way for companies to market their brand. But could your employees and representatives be bringing you negative attention? (more…)...

A Fine Line for Facebook Content.

A Fine Line for Facebook Content.
A 12-year-old, British boy recently racked up a tab around $1,400 by playing Farmville on Facebook. The game is played by millions of players monthly. His mother is asking both Facebook and Farmville developer, Zynga, (more…)...

How Far Will Product Placement Go?

How Far Will Product Placement Go?
Growing up I was always particularly cognizant of brands. My father worked for a major beverage company. As a kid, if we were allowed to drink soda, we were not allowed to drink Brand X, since Dad’s company (more…)...

Overwhelmed by Social Media Planning?

Overwhelmed by Social Media Planning?
In this uncertain, fluctuating marketplace I often hear CEOs, business owners and middle managers who share a common perception of social media. Fear of the unknown. Fear that if I speak on Facebook, Twitter etc. (more…)...

Does Your Business Practice What it Preaches?

Does Your Business Practice What it Preaches?
What are we to think when companies don't practice what they preach on a business level? Part of Petsmart's messaging to their customers is to bring your dog to the store as an extension of your experience. (more…)...

Did the Internet Kill the Video Star?

Did the Internet Kill the Video Star?
Ever wonder what happened to the video star of yesteryear? Remember when MTV actually meant videos on TV? The recording industry has changed a lot in the last few years. Blockbuster, big-budget videos don't dictate record sales anymore. (more…)...

Has the Media Lost it’s Way?

Has the Media Lost it’s Way?
How much distraction is too much? Have the media and broadcast outlets overdone it trying to promote every bit of content? Does everything need a continuous plug these days? Online editorial layouts shown (more…)...

Live Longer Better…

Live Longer Better…
Myths: • I will try really hard to live to be 100. False. Only 1 out of 10 people will reach 100 years old. Most people are engineered to live past having kids and to live to see their kids grow up. • Treatments slow or reverse aging. False. (more…)...